Canal MadCup EEUU

Guide to Submit a Project

Get Ready to Start

In the following pages, we will indicate everything necessary so that, in the last section, you can start submitting your project. It is necessary to compile a lot of information about your project, which we invite you to do with this guide where you will find recommendations. In the end, you will be able to start filling in all the fields with the information you have prepared. This guide is essential for correctly indicating all the basic data of the crowdfunding campaign.

Following the recommendations significantly increases the campaign's chances of success.

Communication Guide

  • Guia comunicación
  • This guide is fundamental to reach as many project stakeholders as possible in the best way. It will help you create a schedule and stipulate the communication actions to be carried out before, during, and after the campaign, using various tools.

  • Ejemplo de la guía de comunicación
  • This guide complements the communication guide from a practical viewpoint, with a real campaign example. It will help us see how the communication guide was applied to a real campaign, enabling us to relate this communication guide to our project

Private Data of the Promoter

Name Here the promoter's private name will be indicated, which will not be publicly visible

Surnames Here the promoter's private surnames will be indicated, which will not be publicly visible

Official Identification Document Indicate the national identity document, passport, or official identification document, information that will not be public.

Address Provide here the physical address of the promoter, information that will not be public

Phone Provide here the phone number of the promoter, information that will not be public

Public Data of the Promoter

Name Name of the promoter, whether an individual or an organization. This information will be public and visible to everyone who enters the project

Email Contact email of the promoter, whether an individual or an organization. This information will be public and visible to everyone who enters the project

Address Physical contact address of the promoter, whether an individual or an organization. This information will be public and visible to everyone who enters the project

Phone Public phone to contact the promoter, whether an individual or an organization. This information will be public and visible to everyone who enters the project

Image Image of the promoter reflecting the individuals or organization behind the project. Try to make it clear and simple. (500px - 500px). This information will be public and visible to everyone who enters the project

Description Indicate who the promoters are, their background, experience, and interest in the project. This information will be public and visible to everyone who enters the project

General Data of the Project

Name Try to summarize your project and present it clearly and simply with a few words (2-3) or an easy-to-understand sentence. Before indicating it, we recommend you test it with someone in your environment to see if it is clear.

Short description Clearly and concisely, indicate what the project is about and its objective. Put yourself in the place of a contributor. What should be read here to understand the project and be motivated to support it? It will be very useful for sharing on social networks and briefly introducing the project.

Categories Indicate which category or categories the project you want to launch belongs to, trying to specify as much as possible from all available options.

Image You must choose an image, from a photograph to a logo, that can be quickly identified with the project. This image will appear in the reduced presentation and also as the main image when viewing the entire project. You can modify it when you deem appropriate. It is important that it is of good quality, with a resolution of about 650x400 and a maximum size of 2MB. This image will be visible only if you do NOT have a video.

Project Details

Video Optionally, you can create a video for your project. This video will be displayed in the position currently occupied by the main photo. Nowadays, it is essential to have a video.

Long description Try to write a text that answers, at a minimum, the following questions and comments:

  • What do I want to create?
  • What needs will I cover?
  • Why do I want to carry out the project?

  • Indicate what the project means to you as a promoter.
  • How will the project influence?
  • What is the current status of the project?
  • Do you have other sources of funding?
  • How long will it take to get the project started?
  • When will you deliver the symbolic details?

Human Capital.
Personalize who the promoters are, tell their story, their experience, positive elements. Indicate what needs the project covers and, above all, who it covers them for, specify in beneficiary profiles. Look for the emotional and practical side of what it will mean for the project to see the light.

Transparency is essential, avoid doubts about what you propose.

Keep in mind that the language used must be simple, contributors must easily understand and be interested in the project. Avoid spelling mistakes or words that may be difficult to understand. Here you can also ask for the project to be disseminated. Imágenes.
Incorporate images that reinforce the text, both photographs and infographics or montages, that act as summaries or complements to the written information you present. For example, an image of what the contributor can receive for their contribution, or of the promoting team. Images are extremely attractive and help us personalize and connect with the emotions of the potential contributor.

Needs: Detail as much as possible the needs you have for your project to see the light. Again, transparency and sincerity are key. Answer questions like:
What exactly will I do with the contributors' money? Detail in a simple budget what you will do with the money.
If, in addition to financial resources, you need other types (time, knowledge...), indicate it here. Make it easier for the contributor to feel more identified and convinced to support your cause when reading the text.
Clearly indicate what you will do if you exceed 100% of the requested funding. What will you use that money for?

Dates Considering everything you have to prepare in terms of symbolic details, video, images, communication plan... It is recommended to start 2 or 3 weeks after you begin preparing the crowdfunding campaign.

Duration Here you will indicate the days that the campaign will be active. It is important to know that a crowdfunding campaign involves many hours each day it is active, so we advise that it does not exceed 40 days, ideally it would be 30 very intense days.

  • Write articles.
  • Send press releases.
  • Share the project on social networks.
  • Appear in the media.
  • Interact with the contributors.
  • Mobilize the different microcommunities.
  • Activate influencers.
  • And many other actions are necessary, which involves a lot of work.
  • Do you have many people to help you?
  • Will a single person do everything?
  • Are you going to ask for a lot of money?
  • Do you have a large community that you can easily contact?

The answer to these questions will determine the days of the campaign. <b>The fewer resources, the fewer days.

Social Networks Include here the social networks related to the project, as well as the project's website, if you have one.

Funding Data

Type of Funding

  • All or nothing. The campaign will be considered a success when it reaches at least the minimum target set.
  • Anything goes. The campaign will always be considered a success since all contributions will be delivered to the promoter, regardless of the amount raised and whatever the minimum goal is.
  • Only collaborations. The campaign accepts only collaborations.

Minimum Goal Indicate the minimum economic amount with which the project can be carried out according to the calculations you have made. The person who contributes will surely compare your project with others, and some of them will be skeptical if what you ask for does not match what you need. It is important to ask for the right and adequate amount, especially if you have chosen the All or Nothing option in Type of Funding, that is, either you get the indicated amount or you get nothing. If you have asked for €3,000 and raise €2,990, you will receive nothing.

Optimal Goal After exceeding the minimum economic goal, the promoter can indicate a higher (optimal) economic goal that allows them to carry out a more complete project with more actions or improve what was done with the minimum goal.

IBAN You must indicate your bank current account, where you want us to directly transfer the corresponding collected part through the platform.


Name of the symbolic detail. The name must be clear and identifiable, differentiating one symbolic detail from another. This is useful both for you in managing your symbolic details and for contributors to understand what it is about.

Description of the symbolic detail. The description must be explained clearly, concisely, and easily, describing what the contributor will receive, leaving no doubt to anyone. Based on the above premises, we ask for originality, not only in the offered symbolic details but also in their description. You must have imagination, be unique, try to make the contributor think something like "this symbolic detail motivates me a lot, it has to be mine". We recommend that it does not exceed 400 characters. Te recomendamos que no supere los 400 caracteres.

Amount of the symbolic detail. The amount is the economic amount that the contributor has to provide to obtain this symbolic detail. Try to make it proportional to what you offer, remember that contributors often look at other similar projects and compare. It is important to keep in mind that the people who support you do so based on an idea, they believe in you and that is why they take the risk. Give them something in return, a discount, a unique symbolic detail, exclusive, limited, etc. Do not offer a symbolic detail for €15 if you are going to sell it for €12 at the end of the campaign. Take care of your contributors; they are key for your project to succeed.

Maximum quantity of this symbolic detail to be delivered. A maximum number of symbolic details of this product or service to be delivered can be defined. If there is a maximum. For example, if we only have 10 symbolic details of this type, we will indicate 10 in this section.

The average contribution in Spain is €35 per contributor, while it is normal for the symbolic detail to have a value between €15 and €20. Therefore, most contributors put in that money.

Extra Information. As a promoter, by default, the platform requests the name and Email of the contributor, you can choose more data necessary to deliver what was agreed upon or communicate with the contributors.

Average Contribution. The average contribution in Spain is €35 per contributor, while it is normal for the symbolic detail to have a value between €10 and €30. Therefore, most contributors put in that money.

Elements to Consider. Elements such as exclusivity, attraction, or surprise are highly valued by contributors. Limiting the symbolic detail should be optional and used on specific occasions, not habitually. The symbolic detail does not need to be cumulative; they can be independent. The contributor must feel unique, so what they contribute must make sense concerning what they receive, not feeling that they can get it cheaper three months later. Quite the contrary.

Name of the collaboration. The name must be clear and identifiable, differentiating one collaboration from another. Above all, it is for your management of the collaborations and for the collaborator to understand what it is about. Description of the collaboration. The description must establish the non-economic needs of the project. Describe the non-economic need you have in the project clearly and simply. Do not extend too much, try to summarize. E.g., we need 3 people to help us set up an exhibition. Number of collaborations. It can be established how many people are needed in this collaboration, limiting their number. Información extra. Como promotor/a, por defecto la plataforma solicita el nombre y correo electrónico del colaborador, tú puedes elegir más datos necesarios para entregar lo acordado o comunicarte con los colaboradores. Allow receiving donations. (free contributions) This activated section allows anyone to make a free contribution, without the need to select one of the symbolic details generated by the promoter. They can donate any economic amount to the project without receiving anything in return.

You Are Ready

You have read the guides and recommendations, and you must have all the texts, images, symbolic details, as well as the video and other elements ready to upload to the platform.

Take your time to gather all the necessary data before starting to submit your project.

The process you will encounter next, if you have everything ready, is extremely simple, in a few minutes you can create and send the project to the platform owner for validation, starting your crowdfunding campaign whenever you deem appropriate.

Do you have all the data prepared?